Why Use Olive Oil? 8 Health Benefits!

Are you wondering why use olive oil? A lot of studies examined olive oil and its benefits. They have found out that this culinary oil contains antioxidants that can help in preventing cellular damage. 

It is especially true with extra virgin olive oil. It is rich in antioxidants that neutralise free radicals the body produces during processes like metabolism. 

Furthermore, olive oils' primary fat component is monounsaturated fatty acids that are considered healthy fat by the experts.

 Other than these, let us find out what are the other benefits provided by olive oil. please read here what is olive oil made of 

8 Reasons Why Use Olive!

 Why use olive oil?

Below are some of the benefits of olive oil for your health.

 Remember, these are only among the many other benefits of olive oil.  

#1. Cardiovascular system

 In the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is among the significant sources of fat. It is said that those people who consume such a diet tend to have a longer life span.

 And its benefits also include a lower tendency of dying from cardiovascular diseases. According to experts, this diet is included in the preventive medicine standards. 

 One study from 2018 claims that people with a Mediterranean diet, either with nuts or olive oil, have lower cardiovascular illnesses than those with a low-fat diet. please read here what type of fat is olive oil.

 The Food and Drug Administration even suggests that a 20-gram intake of extra virgin olive oil daily can reduce inflammation and cardiovascular disease risks.

 The polyphenols present in extra virgin olive oil can protect against cancer, brain dysfunction, stroke, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular diseases.  

#2. Metabolic syndrome

 When we say metabolic syndrome, it is a condition that is associated with different risk factors, including high blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, and obesity.

 The olive oil present in the Mediterranean diet can improve your metabolic syndrome. For instance, it increases adequate cholesterol levels. 

#3. Depression risk

 A rodent study from 2013 stated that olive oil helps in protecting the nervous system. It is also suitable for anxiety and depression treatment. 

 There is evidence that consuming trans fats in premade baked goods and fast foods has higher risks of depression than those who consume unsaturated fats like olive oil. 

#4. Cancer risk

 Some substances present in olive oil can help minimise the risks of breast cancer and colorectal cancer.

 The antioxidants that olive oil contains can protect the body from epigenetic changes, oxidative damage, and inflammation.  

#4. Inflammatory bowel disease

 IBD, or what is commonly known as inflammatory bowel diseases, are the root of inflammation in the digestive tract; the types of IBD, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. 

 According to a 2019 study, olive oils contain phenols that help boost gut health and intestinal immunity by altering the microorganisms in the gut.

 So, olive oil is beneficial for people with IBD, like colitis, for example. 

#5. Stokes prevention

 Stroke often occur if the blood flow to your brain is disturbed by bleeding or blood clot. 

 It is the second most common reason behind deaths in developed countries, following heart disease.

 But based on several studies, the monounsaturated fat in olive oil is associated with lower heart disease risks and stroke.  

Consuming olive oil often results in reduced risks of stroke. 

#6. Obesity and weight gain

 As we all know, too much fat intake would result in weight gain

 But this is not the case with olive oil fats. Various studies found that a Mediterranean diet with olive oils has positive effects on body weight. 

 A study observes over 7,000 college students who consume a lot of olive oil for 30 months.

 It is found that olive oil consumption does not result in increased weight. Moderate olive oil intake can even result in weight loss. 

#7. Alzheimer’s disease

 Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition that is common across the world.

The beta-amyloid buildup inside the brain is one of the critical features of this condition.

 But a particular study found that olive oil has a substance that can aid in removing those plaques.

 It is also said that brain function can benefit from olive oils in a Mediterranean diet.  

#8. Rheumatoid arthritis

 Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of autoimmune disease that painful and deformed joints can characterise.

 This condition is due to your immune system that mistakenly attacks normal cells. 

 Olive oil supplements can help improve the inflammatory markers and decrease oxidative stress on people who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

 Its beneficial effects are even more powerful if you combine them with fish oil. That is because fish oil is also a great source of anti-inflammatory fatty acids.   

Other Benefits of Olive Oil

 We already have discussed how beneficial olive oils are for your health. But do you know that this oil is also good for your hair and skin if applied frequently? please read here why is pasta healthy. 

#1. Vitamin content

 Olive oils are rich in vitamins. Some of these vitamins, such as K, E, D, and A, can benefit your skin.

 For instance, vitamin E is useful in treating different skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. 

#2. Antibacterial effects

 Olive oil also has antibacterial properties that can effectively eliminate bacteria from the skin. Some people use this to treat skin bacterial infections.

 It can also help people suffering from foot ulcers since olive oil is said to improve healing. 

#3. Moisturising effects

 You might as well use olive oil to soften your skin and hair. It is among the most common natural moisturiser people use.

It’s A Wrap!

 So, why use olive oil?

 The bottom line is olive oils are incredibly healthy. It is rich in antioxidants that can benefit your joints, brain, heart, and more.

 Olive oil is regarded as the healthiest fat in the world. And “What are the benefits of olive oil?” proved that to you.

 If you’re buying one, you want to check Torre & Olive for quality products. Thank you for reading! please read here where can i buy pasta.