How To Make Vegetable Pasta Bake? 3 Exciting Steps!

How to make vegetable pasta bake? You are going to need vegetables, pasta, sauce, and cheese. Then mix them all.

You could do that or follow the steps that I am about to teach you.

Whether you are a vegetarian, serving a vegetarian, or want less meat in your pasta, this is for you.

If you want to make pasta packed with things right for your body, one way is to create a vegetable pasta bake.

Are you ready to make this recipe one of yours? Follow through, and let's get cooking!


Steps To Make Vegetable Pasta Bake

So, how to make vegetable pasta bake? Just follow these few simple steps on creating a veggie pasta bake.


Step #1. Preparation

In making a vegetable pasta bake, you will have to prepare the following ingredients.



The main star in our dish is the pasta. Of course, what is a vegetable pasta with no pasta? 

You could use different types of pasta, but I recommend you to use penne rigate organic pasta. It is a tube-shaped pasta.

I love how the sauce sips right through those holes and clings to the pasta itself.

Most of all, I love the fact that it’s healthy. Well, it comes from Torre & Olive- known for offering organic products.

Or perhaps you could make your pasta. If we are talking about quality, nothing beats the one you made to make your pasta, and you can shape it in various shapes. please read here how to season pasta.



One of the main ingredients in our vegetable pasta is the vegetables. We are going to use red onions to add sweetness to our dish.

Some red and yellow bell peppers for an additional bite and vibrant colour in our pasta, courgette zucchini, baby spinach, and garlic to complete your dish, you want to prepare these ingredients beforehand.

Although you don't have to follow these vegetables since it's just a suggestion strictly, you can also add whatever vegetables you want.

Make sure to cut these vegies bite-sized. Do not make it too large nor too small because cooking may vary.



Adding cream to your pasta dish makes the sauce creamier and balances the tomato's acidity.

As the name suggests, it makes your pasta dish creamier than without having some. Full cream milk is best to use with this one.



If you want to add a cheesy flavour to your pasta dish, adding Cheddar and mozzarella is the way to go. please read here how to make cheesy pasta.


Step #2. Cooking

We'll proceed to the cooking part. What you have to do is first to boil water on a pot at medium heat and add two tablespoons of salt.

While you're at it, preheat the oven at 190 degrees Celsius. Then heat a pan at medium heat. Drizzle some olive oil on the pan and toss the onions, garlic, and veggies.

After you cook the veggies, turn down the heat to low and boil your pasta in a rock boiling pot of water.

Wait till the pasta finishes. Add some tomato sauce and cream to the veggies and season them with salt and pepper.

Your pasta should be cooked by now. Take a cup of pasta broth and put it with the veggies.

Drain your pasta and mix them with the veggies. Mix well till the sauce fully coated the pasta. Turn off the heat and place the mixture in a baking pan.

Top it with cheddar cheese for a sweeter aftertaste and mozzarella. I love how the mozzarella stretches out when cooked.

Then shove it in the oven. Bake for about twenty to twenty-five minutes or until the mixture is bubbling.

Once you see it bubbling, you can now then serve it and enjoy it! You currently have your vegetable pasta bake!


Step #3. Storing

A portion of veggie pasta is a good meal to start the day. Just make sure to store it properly to avoid spoilage. Here are some ways to keep it. please read here how to store olive oil


Ready-made vegetable sauce

You can make your vegetable sauce in advance. If placed in a refrigerator, it could last up to 3 days and a month if placed inside the freezer.

I recommend you use freezer-safe glass containers or a tight sealed heavy-duty freezer bag to store the sauce.


Unbaked pasta

You can store the pasta dish in the refrigerator before you bake it. It could last up to two days.

When you store the pasta, cover it using parchment or wax paper between the pasta and aluminium foil.


Baked pasta

We can't all eat serving in one sitting only. If there are any leftovers, let the baked pasta cool first then wrap it up with foil then place it inside the freezer. Read more here what is pasta bake.

If you want to serve it, defrost it in the refrigerator and bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour.


Why Vegetable Pasta?

Vegetable pasta is one of my favourite pasta dishes. Not only has it had health benefits but a lot more. Why this type of pasta cuisine?


Reason #1. Budget and Cost friendly

It is budget and cost-friendly. This pasta dish requires seasonal vegetables or even just the vegetables you grow in your pantries or garden.

It's not that fancy that you should buy more vegetables at the grocery, but you can use what you have. There is no pressure.


Reason #2. A hearty meal

Vegetable pasta is a hearty meal. Why? As its name suggests, packed with very healthy vegetables.

And when you say vegetables, it is a healthy meal because vegetables are the primary sources of vitamins and nutrients that our body needs.


Reason #3. Easy to make

As you have seen in the procedures above, making vegetable pasta bake is effortless as long as you know how to cook and slice those veggies away.

It's a versatile dish in which you can change up the vegetables that you will use. The vegetables that we've mentioned above are suggestions, but you can add your own.



How to make vegetable pasta bake? The key ingredients are vegetables, pasta, and sauce.

Now that you have read through this article, making a vegetable pasta bake takes no sweat right? It is easy to make and memorize.

Now you can add this recipe to your cooking dish! May it for just yourself, your family, or friends.

Not only vegetarian people will love it because I'm sure that even your meat-lover friends will, no doubt, want it when they taste your vegetable pasta bake.