What Flour Is Used To Make Pasta? 3 Main Types You Can Use!

Pasta consists of flour and some liquid ingredients, but have you ever wondered what flour is used to make pasta?

All-purpose flour, semolina flour, and the 00 flour, these three types of flour are widely and commonly used to make good quality pasta.

There are so many types of flour that can work but considering what flour you will be using could be tricky.

This article will tell you what flour would be the best for pasta making and its overall taste and quality.


3 Commonly Used Flour In Making A Pasta

Making pasta is not that easy for a beginner, but any flour you have on hand will work if you have got used to it.

Pasta-making considers as science and art, in which flour for pasta contains a property that could give plasticity and elasticity needed for pasta dough.

Making it easy to knead because of the right elasticity level and plasticity applies to art, which moulded the pasta into those great lengths and thickness. please read here how to use olive oil.

These are the flour that is commonly used:


#1. All-purpose flour

Using an ordinary all-purpose flour is perfectly fine. It could also give what other types of pasta could give lime what is mentioned above.

Your flour type choice also depends on which recipe you want to cook and what pasta shape you are craving.


#2. 00 flour

00 flour is a type of wheat flour. It is soft wheat flour that is entirely used for baking cakes and some fluffy pastries.

00 flour is the best flour to use for a ravioli pasta, but it is not ideal for making much softer pasta such as tagliatelle.

Italians are famous for classifying different flour types; they rank them based on their OK ground.

The "1" flour is a type of wheat flour with a sandy texture with larger particles, while the "00" flour has a much more refined and softer powder.

I would say that 00 flour is not that widely available, but you can find it in some grocery stores near you, or you can order it in some shops online. please read here what wheat is pasta made of.


#3. Semolina flour

Semolina is also known as macaroni and pasta wheat.

It was made using hard durum wheat and is commonly grown in warm climate places such as the Northern part of Italy because it has sturdy grains. please read here how to keep pasta warm.

This flour should be used for pasta with thick and rugged shapes because semolina flour soaks up in some creamy sauce amazingly.

Aside from that, semolina flour does not have enough elasticity but more plasticity compared to all-purpose flour.

This flour's consistency works very well, making pasta tubes hold their shape while it is being cooked, such as macaroni or penne pasta.

Semolina flour is naturally yellow, which gives all the pasta its trademark colour.

Doing it yourself may take a lot of time. If you want a ready to cook pasta, try this organic semolina pasta from Torre & Olive.


Tips On How To Make An Easy Homemade Pasta

Eating pasta hits differently, especially when you made it by yourself, and considering what flour is used to make pasta would be such in a way exciting.

These are the tips on how to make homemade pasta easily:


Tip #1. Believe in yourself

Making pasta is no joke; you need to trust your feeling rather than their measurements.

It depends on the flour, the humidity, and the size of the eggs, so you will need as much flour to keep moving along.


Tip #2. Stick on a traditional way

Do the traditional way of making the dough by putting the flour on a flat surface and make a well of flour.

Put some eggs and some salt in the middle of it.

Use a fork to draw the flour into the centre slowly, ensuring that you mix it to the liquid perfectly before kneading it into a ball of dough.


Tip #3. Use an electric mixer

Not all of us want to mix it traditionally, so it's time to use your electric mixer.

Just put the flour gradually and mix it along with eggs and salt.

If ever your dough seems too dry, add one to two tablespoons of water to give it the right moisture amount.


Tip #4. Remember the necessary ratio for ingredients

Keep in mind the primary ingredient ratio. Three parts flour is to two parts eggs by weight as per general rule. please read here how much does pasta weight when cooked.

There lots of different variations of this depending on what type of flour you will be using.

If you want to add some eggs to have a much richer dough, but using the primary ratio in ingredients is more reliable to serve you well.


Tip #5. Kneading of the pasta dough is a must

Once you have thoroughly mixed the flour, eggs, and salt, it needs to be kneaded.

It will take at least 10 minutes to make it into a smooth, firm elastic ball.


Tip #6. Let the dough rest

Let it rest for about an hour before you proceed. This will make the dough smoother and less effort when you roll and flatten it out.

Aside from that, in here you can also rest to save energy for later work.


Tip #7. Put a generous amount of salt in the cooking water

Salt is important! This will give the pasta noodles more flavour.


Tip #8. Stored in a cool and dry place

If you are not cooking the pasta right away, dust it with a little bit of flour to avoid sticking.

Then make a nested bundle on a container or some baking sheet with parchment paper on it.

And lastly, cover it with a clean towel and set it aside when you want to cook it.


For Final Words

Now that you all knew what flour is used to make pasta, such as all-purpose flour, 00 flour, and semolina flour.

You can now make pasta on your own. You were preparing such delicious food with the assurance that you have made it to yourself.