Why Is Whole Wheat Pasta Better? 3 Interesting Questions Answered

Do you love eating pasta but have you heard why is whole wheat pasta is better? Some people are conscious about the food they eat, and pasta is often thought of as very unhealthy. 

Are you familiar with white pasta? It is what people usually get at the counter of a supermarket. 

That is way more refined, and this kind of pasta you get to grab at the supermarket is not that healthy.

Yet, if you badly want to eat pasta, you can consider a whole-grain pasta to use for your dish.

It contains a fair amount of vitamins, minerals, and fibre, but the pasta is made from pulverized whole-wheat flour to be digested easily.  please read here how long does pasta take to digest.

So, technically, both whole wheat grain pasta and white pasta are similar in some ways as they increase blood sugar. However, as long as you put moderation into your diet, you’ll be fine.

Nevertheless, is whole wheat pasta healthy? Pasta is not that bad generally, but it would be unhealthy if you consume an enormous amount of it and the toppings aren't ideal for a balanced diet.

Regardless, keep on reading to learn more about wheat pasta.


Why Whole Wheat Pasta Is Better?

Because of industrialization, white pasta distribution is widespread worldwide.

With the aid of machinery, the pasta is refined in so many ways that it turned white, mass-produced to supermarkets.

And there’s this one pasta type known as whole wheat pasta. Why is wheat pasta better? As some would ask.

People are starting to be picky with their food, which includes me.

I began to switch on healthy alternatives like cooking oil to olive oil, ice cream to fruits, and fast food burgers to homemade sandwiches.

And for pasta, I prefer wheat pasta better. Whole wheat pasta is healthier, regardless of how it looks and its colour; it is way better than white pasta.

It’s like whole-wheat bread, this pasta may taste a bit strange, but then the nutritional values it has will make you think of trying it.please read here what is the nutritional value of pasta.

Whole wheat pasta is better because it has an unlimited nutrition resource; it has antioxidants, b vitamins, fibre, protein, and vitamin E.

You could still make use of white pasta for, maybe a spaghetti, and it's not like you have to stop eating it entirely.

White pasta can still be right for you but in moderation. Whole wheat pasta can be your best buddy, especially when facing diabetes or a severe heart problem.

But some people would still prefer white pasta because of its lower price, and it tastes better than whole wheat pasta. Healthy foods are way expensive, yet wealth is health as they say.

However, whole wheat underwent the same process as white past to come out as it is.

So, even if it has many benefits (as mentioned above), you can't solely depend on wheat pasta as your source of fibre.

Oats, corn, quinoa, and barley have more fibre, and whole wheat pasta can't give you enough as eating actual whole grains.

So, why is wheat pasta better? It has more fibre than white pasta and antioxidants. Not to mention vitamin E and b vitamins to keep you going.


Related Questions


Is whole wheat pasta worth it?

Whole wheat pasta is something you should eat, especially when you have to follow a strict diet plan or your health is at stake.

It comes with protein and fibre, fewer carbs and calories to produce, and many micronutrients.

Indeed wheat pasta is helpful and a healthy alternative. It has many health benefits and can be eaten by any person without worrying about pasta they would be eating.

Whole wheat pasta somehow has a downfall. Unlike white pasta, whole wheat pasta has a shorter shelf life and has fewer preservatives due to its more natural process.


How to cook whole wheat pasta?

Cooking a whole wheat pasta is the same as how you cook your usual pasta. You boil water, add salt and olive oil. Put in your pasta and stir. Let it cook for 8 – 12 minutes.

Try if it is soft enough for you to take it out and drain. It would help if you chose a good sauce. please read here how to make arrabiata pasta sauce.

The ingredients you use for your dish and your pasta will impact the nutritional value of the pasta alone. You can make it healthier or otherwise.

Be mindful of what your add-in. Imagine putting all the healthy foods on one plate, an excellent dish to serve your loved ones with a strict diet.


How important is it to eat whole wheat pasta?

For people who do not have a healthy lifestyle, whole wheat pasta is an excellent way to start, especially for pasta lovers!

They can go beyond their expected food intake and eat dishes they want to try.

It is always good to know about the food you serve. Sometimes all is a single change to make your lifestyle healthier.

Therefore, using whole wheat pasta as a healthy alternative is good, at least you're starting to change your diet to improve your food quality.

But do remember that it can't give you enough nutrients you need. So, make sure to add vegetables and fruits to your diet and don't forget about meat to attain a balanced meal.



Whole wheat pasta is a healthy and excellent option to serve your family. Yet, moderation is a must, and the ingredients you use with the pasta will contribute to the nutrition it holds.

So, it could turn out to be unhealthy. Therefore, find a recipe that uses fresh and nutritious ingredients to ensure that your food is healthy.

If you are health conscious, opt for organic products, those from Torre & Olive are sure to satisfy you and your family!

Now we have answered, “Why Is Whole Wheat Pasta Better?” So you know now how it is better and an excellent option to make good food.