How Much Saturated Fat in Olive Oil? 3 Best Reasons To Have Olive Oil!

How much saturated fat in olive oil? In a hundred grams of olive oil, you can get 14g of saturated fat. please read here how many gram of pasta per person.

FATS, a four-letter word that we all want to get rid of from our diets. Still, You can't help it since we still need a small amount of it.

I mean, we do diets because we don't want to become fat. We want to as healthy as we can be.

Watching your diet on how much fat you should consume is a good thing. Although what about the food that you cook?

In cooking foods, you often use oil, especially when you need to sauté them. So it is also a must to watch the fat content of the cooking oil you are using.


How Much Fats In Olive Oil

When it comes to cooking oil, what comes into your mind first? Canola, corn, or olive oil? Whatever that is, we will still focus on olive oil.

I know you have read some articles that say olive oil is the healthiest cooking oil included in the Mediterranean diet.

Olive oil adds up to healthy Mediterranean diets because it is known for its beneficial fat content.

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the healthiest among the olive oil types.

Many studies have verified the fatty acids found in the EVOO to be highly beneficial for our bodies.

With all the nutrients like vitamins E and K, Monounsaturated fats, and saturated fats that EVOO contains, we still are bothered by how much saturated fat in olive oil?

Well, the answer to your question is it's 14g saturated fats in every 100g of olive oil. Monounsaturated fats are 73% of that 100g.

But what do you think are the benefits of these fats? Does it help your body in any way? Or does it have any harmful effects on our health? read more here what type of fat is olive oil.


Saturated Fats

Saturated fats are responsible for the increase in your body’s cholesterol level.

Thus replacing it with healthier options could lower your chances of getting hypertension and heart diseases.

You may not notice, but almost everything delicious has saturated fats. Your favourite pork, butter, cheese, poultry, and creams all contain saturated fats.

You can replace these foods with fruits, vegetables, or low-fat dairy products if you want to improve your lipids. Although what do you think is the effect of saturated fats in our body? please read here how to make vegetable pasta bake .


Bad Trans Fats

The worst type of dietary fats is Trans fats. It is driven by the process called hydrogenation in which prevents healthy oils from getting rancid.

It has no health benefits, but some states have banned this type of fat in their food.

Eating foods with a high concentration of Trans fat could increase the amount of harmful LDL cholesterol in your bloodstream.

It creates inflammation that could lead to diabetes, stroke, or possible heart and other chronic diseases.


In-Between Saturated Fats

A diet with a high level of saturated fats could increase your cholesterol level, so it is a must to watch the balance between the good and bad ones.

Replacing these saturated fats with healthier fats like those found in olive oil will drastically decrease your chances of getting various ailments.


Monounsaturated Fats

These type of fats is right for your health. Consuming lots of monounsaturated fats has been found to lessen the rate of heart diseases in Greece.

One of its sure benefactors is the people who love to eat Mediterranean diets since these diets are the healthiest.

Although there are no reports of how much-monounsaturated fats are recommendable to be taken daily, it is still best to control it to avoid overeating.


Polyunsaturated Fats

Corn oil, sunflower oil, and safflower oil are examples of polyunsaturated fats. These are essential fats that are necessary for normal body functions.

These fats can't function without them. Polyunsaturated fats are needed to make and build cell membranes in our body’s nerves.

They, too, are used for blood clotting, inflammation, and muscle movements. Some of these are the omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids.


Why Olive Oil?

While oils are a great source of fats that we would like to avoid, we also need them for our daily necessities like cooking or preparing our regular meals.

So you should know why you must choose olive oil among other cooking oils available in the market. please read here what is the difference between olive oil vegetable oil.


#1. More monounsaturated fats

Among all the cooking oils, olive oils have the highest monounsaturated fat content. It has been mentioned above that this type of fat is healthy for our body, making it the best choice.


#2. Has Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega 3 has proved to be useful and beneficial in many ways. It can fight against depression and anxiety.

Depression and anxiety are both deadly psychological problems if not treated.

Interestingly, some studies show that people who take omega-3 in their diet daily are likely to feel depressed.

People with depression and anxiety are often recommended to take supplements rich in omega-3 to improve their state.

Among the three types of omega-3 fatty acids: ALA, EPA, and DHA, EPA is the best one to fight against depression.


#3. High antioxidants content

Antioxidants that are present in olive oils are highly beneficial when it comes to our body’s immune system.

It serves as immunity boosters that help fight posing diseases that could cause damage to our bodies.

Some antioxidants like oleocanthal and oleuropein are good for inflammation and LDL oxidation.



Knowing how much saturated fat in olive oil will help you plan out your regular diet or watch your meal. Check out Torre & Olive for quality olive oils.

Nevertheless, don't worry, olive oil is considered to be the healthiest among the oils in our food, so incorporating them in your meal in any way is beneficial.