How To Make Flavoured Olive Oil? 2 Easy Methods!

If you're an olive oil fan but don't like to stick on the usual, you might also wonder how to make flavoured olive oil.

There are so many ways you can spice up your ordinary olive oil, from adding chillies to making it a little bit citrusy.

Olive oil is a type of dietary fat loved by all, especially those health-conscious persons, due to its taste when paired with vegetables, slices of bread, and salads.

This type of oil is popularly known as a staple ingredient when preparing those yummy and healthy dishes. 

If you're too curious about how to make flavour-infused olive oils, here’s the answer for you.

Just keep on scrolling for a surprise.


What Is Olive Oil?

Olive oil is a type of dietary fat popularly incorporated in a Mediterranean diet plan.

If you aim to achieve successful weight loss or a healthy eating plan, practising a Mediterranean diet is the best for you.

This diet is typically high in fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts, and olive oil.

It gained popularity throughout the world as an option when a person is on a much stricter diet because of its low cholesterol content.

Olive oil is a versatile ingredient used in many applications such as medicine, soaps, fuel for lamps, and cooking.

There are different olive oil grades, such as virgin, extra virgin, and refined olive oil. Read more here what is refined olive oil.

Manufacturers labelled them according to their extraction, content, and chemical processes.

If your pallets are too tired of the usual taste of olive oil, why not spice everything up.

Many exciting ways you can enjoy your olive oil awaits you, so keep on scrolling. You'll be surprised at how easy things could be.

Looking for a shop to buy olive oil? Try to look up Torre & Olive. Now, let’s move on.


2 Methods Of Infusing Flavours To An Olive Oil

How to make flavoured olive oil?

There’s no limit, especially when you're thinking, how to add flavours to your olive oil.

But there are two methods of infusing delicious flavours into your oils.

If you want to know these two methods, keep reading.


Method #1. Using cold

To infuse flavour on olive oil using this method, you must first use a pulverizing tool like a food processor to powder the ingredients.

You can use soft ingredients such as fresh parsley, chilli peppers, and cilantro for this method. please read here how to make chilli olive oil.

After pulverizing those fresh ingredients, you can now mix them with olive oil.

When the mixture of oil and herbs is fully incorporated, the next step is straining to remove the oil solids.

The most crucial step is to refrigerate the flavour-infused oil with fresh herbs, called the cold infusion method.

Since the edibility of this oil can approximately stay for just a week, so savour while it lasts.


Method #2. Using heat

Infusing flavours to the olive oil using this method includes using rosemary, sage, thyme, dried chiles, and mushrooms.

First, heat the olive oil at a temperature not exceeding 150 degrees to cook it.

Remove the olive oil from heat, then add the herbs. Transfer the oil mixture to a sealed container and let it sleep.

Note that the longer time you let the olive oil sleep with the herbs, the tastier and more potent the taste would be.

The edibility of olive oil under this method can last up to months. Remember to keep it from direct exposure to sunlight.


Bottling Of Flavoured Olive Oil

In transferring the olive oil mixture, use a funnel, then strain the olive oil to a sterilized or cleaned bottle.

You can still use any other container, and it depends on your liking.

If you used dried herbs or spices, it is unnecessary to remove the ingredients from oil when transferring them into a container.

Note that the infusing time duration of the oil depends on the ingredients you added to the mixture. Some ingredients might get spoiled when they stayed for weeks.

After bottling, voila! You can now fully enjoy your flavoured olive oil.

It is excellent for salads, frying, and drizzling over your favourite pasta.


2 Different Herbs Or Ingredients You Can Mix To Olive Oil

Make the magic happen using these two different spices.

But don't limit yourself to these two. There are so many ways you can spice up your oil, keep on reading.


Herb #1. Lemon

Lemon is a fruit rich in vitamin C.

Preparing this flavoured oil includes combining oil and lemon peel over low heat. Then let the mixture simmer for about 20 minutes.

Next, strain the lemon peels from the oil. Refrigerate for two weeks and enjoy that lemon-infused olive oil over your favourite crostini or any yummy dishes.


Herb #2. Dried chillies

If you love spicy, here's the best-flavoured olive oil for you.

Mix dried chillies and olive oil in a saucepan at a low temperature.

Simmer the oil mixture over low heat for about 20 minutes. The goal is to warm the oil, not to cook it. please read here how to keep pasta warm

When using dried herbs, you can either choose to remove them from oil or decide to let them sit on a clean glass bottle.


Final Words

I hope your question on how to make flavoured olive oil has been answered.

Indeed, there are so many impeccable ways you can enjoy your olive oil.

But know that eating in moderation is still the key.

Dietary fat such as olive oil can be beneficial in many ways, including weight loss though you must take it in moderation.

As oils are fat which still makes them a source of calories, eating without control may lead to obesity and weight gain.

Know that your dedication to learn and read the article up to this point is much appreciated. Thank you!