What Are The Benefits Of Olive Oil? 7 Amazing Benefits You Don’t Want to Miss!

When you're new to the world of fitness, you will hear a lot about olive oil and how it's good for your body and diet, but do you know what are the benefits of olive oil?

During the lockdown, I started to be conscious of what I eat, and I began to make my lifestyle a bit healthier by getting rid of junk foods, sweets, drinking lots of water, and changing my regular cooking oil to olive oil.

I know you hear a lot about how olive oil is healthier and how much fitness gurus would promote it. Despite its price, most people are starting to try it out as well.

So, why is it always that olive oil is better than the regular ones? Keep on reading to find out. please read here how much olive oil is to much.


What The Benefits Of Olive Oil

I bet you are as curious as to why olive oil is a big deal for a healthy diet.

But as I have researched, experts find olive oil, most especially extra virgin oil, healthier because of its plentiful benefits.

So, what are the benefits of olive oil? You may ask. Without further a due here is the list of benefits of olive oil:


Benefit #1. It’s packed with antioxidants

Drizzling my salad with this oil makes me feel that I am very healthy because, in terms of fact, it is very nutritious! pleae read here how to make cheesy pasta.

Olive oil contains an adequate amount of vitamins E, K, and healthy fatty acids. But not only that as this kind of oil also provides you antioxidants that help reduce chronic illness, prevent inflammation, and keeps your blood cholesterol healthy, which is usually the cause of heart failure.

That’s why people with such illnesses opt for this kind of oil to maintain their health.

And for those who want to keep their skin healthy, you want to change up your everyday cooking oil.


Benefit #2. It helps prevent stroke

We all know how deadly stroke is. To inform you, stroke occurs when the blood flow is disturbed, maybe because of bleeding or blood clot.

Knowing this, how can olive oil prevent such a thing from happening?

According to researchers, which was conducted with a large number of participants, 84,100 people proved that olive oil reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke because of its source of monounsaturated fat.

Adding to this, another study with 140,000 participants showed that these people who used olive oil manifest a lower risk of stroke than those who didn’t.

With this, you want to change your diet and start using olive oil because stroke is the second most common reason for death among developed countries.


Benefit #3. Olive oil doesn’t contribute to weight gain or obesity

You might link olive oil to weight gain because it’s made up of fat. Well, to tell you the truth, all cooking oils are made from fat.

However, olive oil is way healthier and beneficial.

Don’t think of “fats” as bad for your bad as there are healthy ones that we need to function and continue on living. please read here how healthy is olive oil.

So, weight gain only happens because of excessive eating and not of certain foods. As long as you observe moderation, you are fine.

To ease your worries, you want to read this study that proves olive oil is actually good for your body weight.


Benefit #4. It helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Who would have thought that olive oil could help your memory be intact?

We usually relate Alzheimer’s disease to older people, but even people in their 40 could experience it as well.

For your awareness, Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition that occurs because of the beta-amyloid plaque build-up on your brain-cells. 

There is no cure, only medicines to ease the symptoms. However, prevention is better than cure.

That’s why one study concluded that we could prevent Alzheimer’s disease with olive oil because they found out that it removes the beta-amyloid plaque developing in your brain.


Benefit #5. This type of oil can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

If we are not careful with what we eat, we might suffer from the consequences of our actions because of diabetes.

We are very familiar with diabetes and what it causes other people’s lives. That’s why researchers are finding ways to prevent and possibly cure diabetes overall.

The good news is, one study shows that olive oil can help fight type 2 diabetes because it contains beneficial components helpful to our insulin sensitivity and blood sugar.


Benefit #6. Olive oil is anti-cancer

Many people die due to cancer, and once you hear you got one, it feels like it’s the end for you.

However, you will never experience that if you start to take care of your body and change your lifestyle.

The anti-oxidants found in olive oil are said to be ant-cancer, reducing the damage of free radicals in our body.

That’s why the Mediterranean population has a lower risk of cancer because of their diet with olive oil as the main ingredient.


Benefit #7. It comes with antibacterial components

Bacteria may be small, but they carry most of the dreadful diseases you don’t want to get. We usually kill bacteria by cleaning our rooms, taking a bath, and washing our hands often. But our diet can also help us boost our immunity against these pathogens.

Researchers found out that olive oil could kill bacteria. One example is the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers and stomach cancer, called Helicobacter pylori.



Now that you know what the benefits of olive oil are, you might want to buy one. Well, I suggest you shop on Torre & Olive for quality products.

Regardless, now we can all agree that olive oil is indeed healthy.

What are the benefits of olive oil? Just think about these facts:

It contains antioxidants, vitamins, and anti-bacterial components, helping us fight against diseases.

It’s not only helpful for our weight loss journey but always with our healthy living.