How Much Olive Oil Is Too Much? 2 Main Side Effetcts!

Olive oil is healthy and could give us more benefits, but how can we tell how much olive oil is too much for our body? Let's find out.

People should only consume about 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil per day. Higher than that is considered too much.

It will do good for your body, which helps you to improve your overall health.

But this differs from what kind of olive oil you are consuming.

They may vary in different aspects, such as harvesting, where the olives are harvested, and even how harvesters extracted them.

Those olive oils containing high phenolic content are characterized to be medicinal olive oil.

Extra-virgin olive oil contains higher anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants, but cooking it in high heat can no longer be suitable for ageing.

Want to know more? Just keep on reading.


What Is Olive Oil?

Olive oil is a natural oil that comes out from the fruit of an olive tree. But always remember that not all olives are the same, but it depends on the processing.

It is well known that extra virgin olive oil is top-rated because of anti-inflammatory components that could lower possible cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and stroke.

In addition to that, extra virgin olive oil has antioxidants to protect your cells from any other damages.

Varieties of olive oil have been producing using manual pressing and extrusion that has usually been categorized from the more vigorous colour intensity, lower aroma, and some with a higher content of the phenols.

Besides that, extra virgin olive oil is the most expensive because it is the highest olive oil grade.

If you are wondering where to buy quality olive oils, look up Torre & Olive. Regardless, let’s continue.


6 Benefits of Olive Oil

Here are the benefits of olive oillls:


Benefit #1. Useful for preventing heart disease

One of the excellent sources of omega-3 is olive oil, which we can also find in wild fish like salmon.

Omega-3 fatty acids are purely significant in preventing such cardiovascular diseases;

The said acid transforms our body into substances that can help regulate our liver, kidney function, and especially the heart, called prostaglandins.

Olive oil is useful in contributing to heart health due to it is considered an anti-inflammatory.

This oil can lower low-density lipoproteins. The cholesterol can clog to our arteries and result from a heart attack, raising high-density lipoproteins that can put the heart in a stable condition. Read more here what are the benefits of olive oil.


Benefit #2. It helps to fight cancer

Olive oil contains a substantial amount of anti-cancer agents like terpenoids and squalene.

Antioxidant food like olive oil reduces the harmful effects of free radicals that help develop cancer and diseases.


Benefit #3. Suitable for brain health support

The human brain needs high levels of fatty acids to function correctly and adequately.

Since this oil contains enough fatty acids, it helps our body do work well and for the brain to think efficiently and clearly.

Olive oil helps us improve memory, focus more on our daily tasks, and kick off some age-related memory.

Also, healthy fatty acids have been proven to help in hormonal balance, which also comes in anti-inflammatory properties and keep us from neurotransmitter blast that best results in less stress and depression.


Benefit #4. Anti-ageing property

Olive oil has an anti-ageing property called secoiridoids. This antioxidant can assist our body by which is responsible for reducing ageing and stress toxins.

Neurology releases an article and based on that. People are ageing from 65 to 85 where they use to be studied for over ten years in period.

It was later found that among those people who are consuming ⅓ cup of olive oil every day results in living much longer than those who don't heat olive oil.

While those who regularly eat ½ cup of olive oil per day were less develop dementia.


Benefit #5. Good for weight loss

Olive oil has healthy fats, which control our body to produce excess insulin and control producing fats.

Insulin is a hormone that controls sugar levels in our blood which also causes our body to gain weight or maintain our weight.

Olive oil's healthy fats can reduce our hunger, and feel like you are full and not feeling hungry at all.

Better for controlling our cravings for quite some time.

According to some studies, cutting fats from your diet does not help in a successful weight loss rather than including healthy fats and reduced foods with more carbohydrates. please read here how much saturated fat in olive oil.


Benefit #6. Preventing the risk of having diabetes

Consuming 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil every day is very beneficial, especially in diabetes.

Fats found in olive oil reduce the risk of having type 2 diabetes, which stabilizes the body's blood sugar levels by slowing down the sugar's effect on the primary bloodstream.

In this way, eating healthy foods with olive oil will make you full and satisfied and probably forget about your cravings.


What Are The Side Effects Of Too Much Olive Oil?

There are some unexpected side effects of consuming too much olive oil that you may not notice harming your health; despite knowing that it is healthy, too much of something can be harmful.

These are two effects that will give you answers on how much olive oil is too much.


#1. Causes allergies, acne, and skin rashes

Olive oil causes acne, allergies, and skin rashes which is not recommended to have in your daily skincare routine.

Once or twice a week is enough to achieve hydrated and smooth skin. read more here which olive oil is best for skin.


#2. Saturated fat-related diseases

Consuming too much olive oil every day may cause us to have some saturated fat-related diseases.

Think about this; one tablespoon of olive oil contains 120 calories and 14% saturated fat. please read here how many calories in a pasta.

This amount of data is too much and can increase the risks of having diseases such as obesity, stroke, colon and breast cancer, and heart attack.


For Final Words

Olive oil is indeed healthy and can be very beneficial to us, but consuming it more than average is not advisable.

We have to consider our health before anything else, because of what is happening in every corner of the earth we have to keep in mind that we should take care of our health.

Reading is learning. I hope reading this article about how much olive oil is too much will be an eye-opener to you.