Which Olive Oil Is Best For Skin? 6 Excellent Benefits!

As a person who’s too engrossed in different skincare methods, you might wonder which olive oil is best for skin.

Yes, it's proven to be true that olive has a good effect on your skin, mostly the non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) olive oils.

On the other hand, olive oil is a type of dietary fat loved by many due to its taste when paired with vegetables, slices of bread, and salads. please read here how to make vegetable pasta bake.

Olive oil may have known to be a staple ingredient when preparing those yummy and healthy dishes. 

But recent studies have shown the beneficial effects of olive on our skin.

If you’re too curious about how to achieve that young, glowing skin and also excited to know another skincare method, here's the answer for you.

Just keep on scrolling for a surprising beauty hack.


What Is Olive Oil?

Olive oil is a type of dietary fat famously incorporated in a Mediterranean diet plan.

This type of oil is gathered from olives which are the fruits of an olive tree. This fruit is considered the Mediterranean’s traditional crop.

Olive oil is produced by adding pressure to the olives then the oil that seeps out is gathered.

It gained popularity throughout the world because of its low cholesterol content making it a go-to choice when a person is under a strict diet.

Olive oil is used in many applications such as medicine, soaps, fuel for lamps, and cooking.

But another tremendous helpful use of olive oil is moisturizing the skin, prevents sun damage and noticeable ageing of the skin.

There are different olive oil grades, such as virgin, extra virgin, and refined olive oil. Learn here what is refined olive oil.

Manufacturers labelled them according to their extraction, content, and chemical processes.

 If you want to find out which olive oil is best for your skin, keep reading this article.


Which Olive Oil Is Best For Your Skin?

It is indeed proven and true that olive oil applied to our skin showed impeccable effects.

Olive oil has antioxidants that prevent oxidation on the skin.

It can also help in fighting free radical damage and avoid skin dehydration by acting as a moisturizer.

During ancients times, it is said that people used olive oil in various skin treatment methods; one proof of that was the famous Cleopatra.

Though olive oil's promised effect is indeed tempting, not all grades of oil are best for our skin.

So, which olive oil is best for skin?

It is still best to use certified organic or non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) and unrefined olive oils.

The reason for that is these types of olive oil are produced naturally or without the addition of chemicals.

It doesn’t contain additives or preservatives that may impose harmful effects on our body when applied.


6 Olive Oil Skin Care Benefits

Today's generation is all about the significant glow-up your face could ever achieve. Learn here how to apply olive oil on face.

To be specific, having radiant and glowing skin is a trend that is practised by all ages.

From taking a skincare program and daily routines of applying products during night and day, those are only a few samples of the skincare practices today.

A skincare product found in your kitchen might surprise you. Here are the benefits of olive oil.


#1. It reduces stress on the skin that can cause premature aging

Olive oil has antioxidants, a substance that hinders oxidation. It is a process that results in the production of free radicals.

Free radicals can cause damage to cells and aids in the development of cancer.

Antioxidants and vitamins found in olive oil can decrease stress on the skin, which can prevent skin ageing. 


#2. It reduces the effect of harmful ultraviolet (uv) rays

Olive oil is scientifically proven to fight off the possible harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays.

It was suggested that applying olive oil on the skin after UV rays exposure may hinder the growth of cells that causes cancer in our body. 


#3. It keeps the skin from dehydration

Olive oil is known to be a natural moisturizer. It helps in reducing water loss on our skin because the moisturizing process increases the amount of water.

Apply a fair amount of olive oil to soften your skin and hair. please read here which olive oil is best for hair.


#4. It helps in healing wounds

Olive oil has anti-inflammatory ingredients that may help in the process of wound healing.

A substance found in natural oils, specifically olive oil, has the necessary property for wound repair and cell migration.


#5. It comes with anti-bacterial properties

According to a recent study, olive oils have antibacterial properties.

It is said that virgin coconut has the incredible effect of removing bacteria when applied to the skin.

You can also apply olive oil to cure infections caused by bacteria.

It gives protection against inflammation and skin irritation.


#6. It helps in treating various skin diseases

Olive oil is rich in vitamins that are good for the body.

These vitamins include: vitamins D, A, and E. These vitamins are proven to be beneficial in skin growth.

Vitamin E is mostly used in treating skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema.

You are one step away from a smooth and glowing skin, I hope you match your skincare with proper diet and exercise to improve your results.

Regardless, always look out for yourself and take care of it. You are one “you” so learn to love yourself!


Final Words

I hope your question on how to which olive oil is best for skin has been answered.

Indeed olive oil has proven its versatility. Its use is not limited only to the four walls of the kitchen.

Instead, you can use olive oils in various applications aside from preparing yummy food. It includes medicinal effects on the health of our skin.

It is safe to say that healthy dietary fat, such as olive oil, is truly beneficial in so many ways.

Know that your dedication to learn and read the article up to this point is much appreciated. Thank you!