How Much Fibre In Pasta? 4 And More Amazing Facts To Know!

Do you know how much fibre in pasta? Since pasta is high in carbohydrates and fibre is a type of carbohydrate.

You can find fibre in plant-based foods that are non-digestible by humans. Instead, it passes through your digestive tract and out of your body.

Fibre has many benefits to your body that prevents common diseases like obesity, hypertension, heart disease, digestive disease, stroke, and diabetes.


Facts About Fibre

To fully understand the benefits of fibre to your body, here are some facts about fibre:

 Italian Organic Pasta Spaghetti Durum Wheat Torre & Olive

Fact #1. Soluble and insoluble fibre

There are two main types of fibre, namely, soluble and insoluble fibre.

You can find these in fibre-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.


Fact #2. Health benefits

Soluble and insoluble fibre have health benefits with different functions.


Fact #3. Uses of Fibre

Since ancient times, fibre already was known and used for constipation by the ancient Greeks.

 Italian Organic Pasta Spaghetti Whole Wheat Torre & Olive

Fact #4. Refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white pasta, and sweeteners can take so much effort to get enough fibre.


2 Types Of Fibre

Experts classified fibre into two types that have different functions to your body based on water solubility.

Here's how:


Type #1. Soluble fibre

The first type of fibre is the one that forms a gel when dissolved in water, the soluble fibre.

It slows the digestion process of your body that helps lower your blood cholesterol and glucose level.

Regularly eating soluble fibre lowers the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol and glucose level.

Italian Organic Pasta Spaghetti Whole Spelt Torre & Olive

Also, it helps reduce diarrhoea and helps firm your stool and prevents weight gain.


Type #2. Insoluble fibre

The second type of fibre is an insoluble fibre that doesn’t dissolve in water.

However, it can aid the movement in your digestive system and increases stool bulk. 

Insoluble fibre prevents infections of the gut, constipation, haemorrhoids, heart disease, and some types of cancer.

After uncovering the types, benefits, and facts of fibre, let us now discuss how much fibre in pasta promotes positive effects in your body.


2 Categories Of Pasta

You can categorize pasta into two, the whole-grain pasta and the refined pasta. You can read below to know more about it.


Category #1. Whole-grain pasta

Compared to refined pasta, whole-grain pasta has a higher fibre and lower calories. One cup of cooked whole-grain spaghetti shows 6 grams of fibre.

Let's identify the anatomy of the kernel by defining its three layers.


Layer #1. The bran

The outer skin layer of the kernel is the bran. It contains antioxidants, vitamin B, iron, magnesium, zinc, and fibre. pleae read here which olive oil is bet for skin.


Layer # 2. The germ

Known as the embryo of the kernel is the germ. It is the core of the seed that can grow into a new plant.

It contains vitamin B, vitamin E, proteins, minerals. 


Layer # 3. The endosperm

It is the inner layer and the largest portion of the kernel. It is the one that supplies the germ with food so it can sprout to a new plant. 

Endosperm holds the starchy carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and a small amount of vitamin B. please read here how much protein in pasta.

Study shows that whole-grain pasta promotes fullness because of the fibre that moves through your gastrointestinal tract.

Also, it has numerous health benefits, such as lower blood pressure and prevents heart disease.


Category #2. Refined pasta

Refined pasta is the standard pasta that is preferred by many. One cup of cooked whole-grain spaghetti shows 2.5 grams of fibre.

However, it strips the bran's nutrients and the germ during the refining process, leaving you with a starchy endosperm.

It has low fibre and high calories, which are weaker than whole-grain pasta. Eating too much-refined pasta has adverse effects on your body.

High blood pressure is one of the most common diseases, promoted by insulin resistance that disrupts the relationship between glucose and insulin.

Also, refined pasta decreases fullness even after you, promoting fat in your body and increasing your body weight.

Therefore, whole-grain is much better than refined pasta because it contains many nutrients, vitamins, and fibre.

However, if you are used to eating refined pasta and decided to switch to eating whole-grain pasta, you need to consider the firm and grainy texture.

Getting used to eating whole-grain might take some time. But you can keep trying different brands until you find the one that you enjoy the most.

Here’s some recipe of whole-grain pasta for your healthier switch: please read here where can i buy pasa.


Charleston Chicken Pasta

The ingredients for this recipe include:

  • 3 tablespoons light mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons of fat-free sour cream
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 6 boneless and skinless grilled chicken breasts
  • 1/2 cup shredded smoked mozzarella
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped celery
  • 1/2 cup chopped green onions
  • 1 cup grape tomato halves
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley
  • 3 cups whole wheat cooked linguini pasta
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Now that you have all the ingredients, you're ready to make the Charleston Chicken Pasta with five easy steps.

Start by adding the mayonnaise, sour cream, and lemon juice to a 1 cup measure and stir it all to blend. Next, slice the chicken breast with ¼ thickness.

Then, add the chicken, celery, mozzarella, green onions, parsley, tomatoes, and cooked linguini pasta into a huge bowl; blend all the ingredients.

After that, sprinkle the mayonnaise, sour cream, and lemon juice mixture into the chicken noodle combination, add Salt and pepper depending on your taste. please read here what is the difference between pasta and noodles.

Lastly, cover and refrigerate until it is cool enough to serve.


Final Words

Now that you have learned how much fibre in pasta, you might want to think it through before choosing the pasta you want to eat.

Always remember that health is wealth. Give your body the right amount of food with sufficient nutrients and vitamins.

If you want the healthiest choice, then opt for a 100% organic pasta, specifically from Torre & Olive. I’m sure you’ll love how their products taste delicious!