How To Boil Pasta? Cooking Tricks And Tips.

Cooking Tricks And Tips

How to boil pasta? The recipe for boiling pasta is simply water and pasta. But you may be doing it the wrong way.

Some tend to get excited when it comes to pasta and make it in a flash but take not. It shouldn't be the case.

Some people want to make pasta in just a short time. Maybe we could do it for ourselves, but what if you are hosting a party or a social gathering?

Soft and mushy pasta will not do. Hard pasta is a no go too. So what should you do to achieve that perfectly boiled and excellent texture for your pasta?

We'll teach you how to make perfect boiled pasta. So what are you waiting for? Keep on reading to learn more!


Factors To Consider In Boiling Pasta

If your head is spinning and you don't know what to do, relax and take a deep breath is the first step to everything. Believe in yourself that you can make it.

There are a few factors that you should consider when you are boiling the perfect pasta.


Salt in water

Some people add salt to the water when boiling pasta, this is to add flavour to the pasta. Read more here how to flavour pasta.


Oil in water

There are misconceptions about adding oil to the water when boiling your pasta. Their reason is for the pasta not to stick together. This idea is wrong.

The main reason for adding oil to your pasta is to prevent the water from boiling over.

Remember when you are boiling water, the water sometimes boils over the lid? Adding some olive oilprevents that from happening.

Again, adding oil in boiling pasta does not prevent the pasta from sticking together to clear things through. It is to prevent the water from boiling over the lid.


Step-By-Step Guide In Boiling Pasta

Suppose you are a beginner, Lucky for you to have come across this article as we are going to teach you how to boil pasta perfectly like a pro.


Step #1. Preparation

First and foremost, you have to prepare your tools and ingredients for cooking. You have to prepare the following:

Well, those are the essential things you should prepare. Now let's proceed to the cooking part.


Step #2. Cooking

So, what are you going to do first? You will have to place the large pot on the stove and fill it with ¾ water.

We will have to use a sizeable roomy pot to give more space for our pasta. A larger pool means plenty of room for our pasta to move around in.

If you are hungry and want things done immediately, you would like to put less water. Lesser water means the quicker the water to boil. This idea is a bad one.

Pasta needs plenty of water, and make sure to submerge every strand of it. This way, the pasta will be evenly cooked when thoroughly immersed in water.

When the water is starting to boil, add two tablespoons of salt. Yes, it may be a little salty, but this salty flavour will give your pasta dish a boost in flavour.

Before adding the pasta, make sure that the water has come to a full boil. Did you notice that when you add something to boiling water, the boiling tends to stop?

Just a trivia:

There are four stages of boiling. Those are slow simmer, simmer, rapid simmer, and rolling boil. What we need here is the rolling boil.

Here’s a tip:

To make the water boil faster, cover the pot with its lid. However, leave a small opening so you can hear when the water is boiling.

Once the water has come to a rolling boil, you can now add the pasta. The pasta will cool down the water temperature when you drop it in, so cover the pot back on.

Once you hear the water is boiling again, take the lid off and stir the pasta. You may want to do something else while waiting for it to cook, but you have to focus. It's not that long to boil pasta.

Here’s another trivia:

Stirring the pasta will prevent the pasta from sticking together. Stir your pasta two to three times to ensure every strand has its space.

After some stirring, check the pasta. Does it satisfy your taste, texture, and consistency? Does it meet your preference? If yes, then it is ready.

If the pasta meets your demand, you can now drain it. And there you have it. You currently have your perfectly boiled pasta.

Here are the things that you should also take note of:

Before you drain the pasta stock, save a scoop of it. Adding your pasta stock may work wonders for your pasta and sauce later.

This scoop of water will serve as your binding agent between the pasta and your sauce. please read here how many syns ia a pasta sauce.


Other Tips

  • Cooking times can vary depending on your pasta's shape, size, amount, and type. There are suggested cooking times in each package, so read up on its suggestion.
  • Stuffed pasta like ravioli, tortellini and more, tend to float when they are ready.
  • Don't add oil to the water; this will make the pasta too slick for the sauce to bind.
  • Do not rinse pasta after cooking. You may wash away all those flavours and substances away that helps with sauce binding. read more here How long dose pasta sauce last in the fridge.



How to boil pasta? It’s easy as 1, 2—3, but sometimes the most comfortable things are the trickiest.

I remember my first time boiling pasta. It mostly got soggy from being overly cooked. But after some research, I got to make it the way I want it to be.

That is thanks to the easy steps mentioned above. Those tips and trivia helped me a lot. It is especially preventing me from getting embarrassed because of my cooking.

If you are a beginner, do not hesitate to try new things; this may be the start of creating your specialty in the coming years.

Also, if you opt for pasta, make sure you choose only the best. Try products from Torre & Olive; I’m sure you will love all kinds of pasta they offer. They’re guaranteed organic!