How To Flavour Pasta? 7 Easy Steps To Follow!

How to flavour pasta? Pasta alone can be tasty too, and even some people eat pasta without sauce.

Fusilli, Pasta, Torre & Olive, Organic, Italian, Olive oil

It may not seem usual, but then people who can't afford to buy many ingredients to create a pasta sauce eat pasta alone. Do you think you can eat it too?

We have a food business, and when my mom cooks pasta, she puts this not-so-secret ingredient in preparing the pasta to taste good.

Have you eaten pasta that the sauce couldn't refine the pasta plate as a whole? Oh no! The pasta should be cooked sufficiently and, of course, not served soggily.

I'll help you learn how to give a good pasta flavour. Be patient, and you'll know how to cook pasta nicely. please read here what to add to pasta.

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Steps To Flavour Pasta?

Do you believe that pasta only tastes good because of the sauce? Of course not.

If you have watched Master Chef Canada or any other Master Chef videos that includes pasta, you would know that there is more to it.

Pasta should taste good and cooked correctly to add a good texture and flavour to the whole plate to present. As chef Claudio says, "details".

Small details matter when cooking. It may affect the presentation or the flavour and the pleasure of enjoyment while eating as a whole.


Step #1. Prepare your ingredients

For flavouring your pasta, all you need is salt, oil, water, and the pasta itself. Other than that, you will need to add sauce and a good presentation later on.

Gather all the ingredients and put them in an organized manner to avoid mixing them up and panicking later.

Fusilli, Pasta, Torre & Olive, Organic, Italian, Olive oil

Put in mind that elements play a very crucial spot in your cooking.


Step #2. Boiling the water

It may seem odd that even boiling water should be discussed; wait until you finish this step. It is where you can add more flavour to your pasta.

Boil a pot of water that can cook your desired amount of pasta. When it starts to boil, you will not add the pasta to the water instead of grabbing a teaspoon of salt and oil.

Put enough amount of salt 2 – 3 tablespoons for one pack of spaghetti would be good. And also, drizzle some oil on the boiling water to avoid the pasta sticking to one another. read more here how to boil pasta.


Step #3. Add in the pasta

After putting oil and salt on the pot, you may put all your pasta in the boiling water. Stir it gently to avoid injuries, and then let the pasta be covered in the water entirely.

I suggest you try this olive oil from Torre & Olive as a healthy alternative.

Stir frequently and check on it from time to time.

Pasta has no exact time to be cooked perfectly. It would depend on the amount of fire and pasta you have, so be patient and check on.

Spaghetti, Pasta, Torre & Olive, Organic, Italian, Olive oil

Do not overcook your pasta because you will add that later to your sauce and cook it again. Just check if there is no longer any hard yellow colour on the inside.


Step #4. Strain it up

After checking if it already cooks, strain your pasta and DO NOT rinse it with water; it will take the flavours away.

Just add butter and gently mix it to avoid it sticking.


Step #5. Cook up your sauce

Cook your desired amount of sauce. Make sure to give it a nice texture and taste to fulfil a good pasta plate to present later on. please read here how to make a plain pasta.

The sauce is another crucial ingredient that pasta should have to be able to deliver a delicious serving.

Do you want to know some of the usual pasta sauces?

Here are something you can try:

  • tomato or vegetable-based
  • cheese-based
  • meat-based
  • cream or butter-based sauce
  • herb-based
  • oil-based

Each of these sauces is delicious, containing various ingredients that you can mix into your favourite pasta.


Step #6. Add in your pasta

Add your pasta to the sauce and let it simmer there for a few minutes. Pasta will be most likely tastier if you let it simmer at the sauce for a longer time.

Make sure that the sauce covered all the pasta.

And you can, by the way, separate some sauce before you add in the pasta.

In that way, you can put on top of it for plating, just in case you have a lot and enough amount of sauce.


Step #7. Plating your dish

Do you believe in the phrase "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? Well, in general, yes, but when it comes to food, no.

As much as possible, you would like to present food that looks good.

The physical aspect couldn't define how a plate of pasta would taste but give the first impression. Remember? The first impression lasts.

Eating pasta full of good flavours and tasty pasta means a lot, and adding a beautiful plating would mean divine and would make the person eating it water his mouth.

Can you eat pasta alone?

Indeed you can. Eating pasta without sauce is always an option. That is why adding salt to it when boiling helps.

You can give the pasta a flavour even if it has no sauce yet. That's the reason why my mom gets mad when she is cooking.

My sister end, I tend to get a bowl full of cooked pasta without sauce for us to share. It wouldn't harm your stomach as long as you cook it.


It’s A Wrap!

When serving food, we only want to give out our best. To know more and gain more confidence in researching it is a good thing.

We now have answered the question, "How to flavour pasta?” Hopefully, you will be able to cook the way my mom does.

Oh, by the way, the secret ingredient behind it is love. 

Cook with love!