How to Make Tuna Mayo Pasta? 5 Easy Steps To Follow

Are you wondering how to make tuna mayo pasta? Does eating pasta play a part in your favourite to-do lists but have you thought about making tuna mayo pasta?

 With all the variety of pasta recipe, maybe it’s time to try tuna mayo pasta.

Have you tried eating seafood pasta? There are many types of seafood pasta; some are made as savoury dishes while some are made for appetizers.

 Tuna is one of the healthiest fish around the globe. It has a lot of protein that can sustain the protein needs of our body. It produces essential elements like amino acids, to take part in one's body growth.

 But have you tried putting up pasta and tuna together? I guess you have thought of doing so. That’s why you are here, right?

 Just keep on reading! 

Steps To Make Tuna Mayo Pasta

 Pasta is a type of food that everyone enjoys, as for healthy people, there are several kinds of pasta serving they love to eat. One of them is the tuna mayo pasta.

 Other than the tuna that makes it healthier than others, there's a lot more to it. Some of its ingredients are considered to be healthy too.

 Tuna, even when it is canned, still provides good health benefits. It is composed of fatty acids known commonly as omega 3. please read here what are the benifits of olive oil.

 Putting up tuna and pasta together sounds weird but tastes good and would probably make a healthy pasta plate.

 The dish is ideal for people who have a strict diet and health problems.

 Keeping your meal balance and composed nicely is a great option. Let’s start making our tuna mayo pasta salad.

Step #1. Gather your ingredients

 The first thing to do when you want to prepare a meal or food is to gather your ingredients.

 In this dish, you must have shell-like shaped noodles as the base of your dish.  Or try to use wheat spaghetti pasta, which I also recommend.

 For the sauce, you'll need peas (green peas), your canned tuna of choice, some celery stalks, and of course mayonnaise and Greek yoghurt.

It is crucial to choose your type of tuna to avoid sudden issues. There a lot of canned tuna varieties so select what you prefer.

Step #2. Boil your shell pasta

 Prepare a pot on your stove and boil it. When cooking, add some salt and oil (could be olive or vegetable to maintain the healthy line).

 An organic olive oil is the best option if you ask me.

 Put your pasta and cook for about 8 – 10 minutes.

 Stir it from time to time to avoid burnt pasta. Then taste it every once in a while to make sure that it is nicely cooked. 

 Take note, and you should cook your pasta in time. Mushy pasta won't work well, especially with this kind of dish.

 Pasta salad should be a perfect dish. Drain your pasta right after and set it aside. please read here how to make salad dressing with olive oil.

Step #3. Preparing for it

 After cooking your noodles, start on the other ingredients.

 Cut your celery into small pieces that are way smaller than your pasta size so it won’t overpower the pasta salad as a whole. 

Chop your onions into small pieces too. Drain your tuna and peas to get it ready.

Step #4. Mixing the dressing

 To avoid the pure and unequal taste of dressing, you must pre-mix it in a separate bowl.

 Mix in your Greek yoghurt and mayonnaise in a bowl nicely.

 Make sure to mix it okay to have that balanced taste of yoghurt and mayonnaise later on.

Step #5. Mixing it all up

 Put your dry ingredients together in a big bowl. Put in your pasta first, then your celery, onion, tuna, and peas. 

 Flap and fold it to be equally distributed, right after that, put in your dressing and continue to gently flap and fold it.

 Make sure not to waste any of it. Just toss it carefully and be mindful not to put too much force it might get smashed and deformed.

 However, if you are not serving it yet, do not mix the dressing with your dry ingredients. It will get soaked and won't be as creamy as how you would want it to be.

 So follow the steps on how to make tuna mayo pasta, and you are good to go. 

How Healthy Is Tuna Mayo Pasta?

 Tuna mayo pasta is not your typical salad or pasta either. It is way healthier than the others. Having tuna in it is already healthy.

 Adding some celery, onion, and peas makes it a lot better. If you want it to be a little bit tastier, you can add some sugar.

 But then it already tastes good due to the Greek yoghurt that gives a different flash of flavour. 

 Tuna mayo pasta is one of the most favourite dishes of a family that maintains a healthy lifestyle.

 It is one great dish for times that you are quenching for something good. You can serve it chilled to add some satisfaction.

 If you wish to eat it more healthily, there is one. Familiar with whole wheat pasta? This pasta will give you a healthier touch to your tuna mayo pasta salad. please read here what wheat is pasta made of.

 Though it may affect a bit the taste of your pasta salad, it is the right choice when you aim for something healthy. 


 Tuna mayo pasta is a good one. It has a lot of benefits, and it could be a good twist in your meals.

 We now have answered, “How to make tuna mayo pasta?” I hope that you’ll be able to serve a tasty but very healthy bowl of tuna mayo pasta salad. 

 Remember to choose the right ingredients if you want to ensure your health. Opt for organic products from Torre & Olive.

 Be happy and healthy at the same time. Always put in mind that “health is wealth”.