How To Make Olive Garlic Oil? 3 Easy Steps!

How to make olive garlic oil? Olive garlic oil is a mixture of both garlic and olive oil, and it's evident as its name suggests.

We’ve widely been using oil in almost every dish that we make. One of which is using olive oil in sautéing vegetables or meat.

Although how can we maximize the power of the food that we eat? We may vary the ingredients per dish, or we could alter the oil that we use.

Have you ever heard of olive garlic oil? Olive garlic oil is a type of olive oil infused with garlic.

Garlic has been used mostly in culinary. However, it has also been used in many medical practices because of its medicinal properties.

So we could make use of this instead of using regular olive oil. How will you make it? We've laid it out for you!


Steps To Make Olive Garlic Oil

As its name suggests, olive garlic oil is a mixture of garlic and olive oil. It is used in many recipes, so here are steps on how to make olive garlic oil!


Step #1. Preparation

All you are ever going to need is your small pot, olive oil, and garlic. No more extra ingredients as we were only making garlic-infused olive oil

Prepare your olive oil. It depends on you if how much olive oil you will use but try using a cup of it first.

How To Make Olive Garlic Oil

Then crush and peel garlic cloves. Ahead of garlic should be enough.


Step #2. Cooking

It is easy. All you have to do is put the garlic and olive oil in a pot over medium to low heat. You will see the olive oil bubbling along the sides of the garlic.

Keep it boiling until it stops bubbling or until it becomes simmer. Turn the heat down to low when you see the garlic cloves becoming brown. Please read here how long to cook brown pasta.

Once it sets, Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool to room temperature. It will take about 45 minutes to cool down. Learn More here how to reheat pasta.


Step #3. Storing

If you want to store the mixture, boil a jar to make it sanitized and germ-free. Doing this will make the shelflife of your olive garlic oil long. Please read here how to boil pasta.

Make sure that the garlic olive oil has already cooled down before you put it in a jar. Cover it, and you're done.

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Uses Of Olive Garlic Oil

Olive plus garlic equals many uses. There are numerous usages of olive garlic oil.

Here are a few to mention:


·      Used for moisturizing dry skin and promotes a healthy scalp

Garlic, together with olive oil, has essential vitamins needed to make your scalp and the roots of your hair healthy. You Might Like which olive oil is best for hair.


·      Used to clear ear infections

Since garlic is infused with olive oil, this mixture is a great oil to treat or clean your ears.

 How To Make Olive Garlic Oil

·      Boost your immunity

Garlic is useful for enhancing a person's physical performance and has been used to treat uncomplicated cases of cold and flu.

Also, since garlic is added to olive oil, incorporating such into various dishes is easy.


Health Benefits Of Garlic

Many studies show garlic's power in healing or help the prevention of several types of cancers.


·      Highly nutritious yet low calories

Garlic contains sulfur compounds which are believed and were proven to bring health benefits since ancient times.

Even if you can't use garlic to gain weight, you could always still eat it for its high content in vitamins and minerals.

How To Make Olive Garlic Oil

Garlic is rich in Vitamins C, B6 and minerals like manganese. A clove of garlic may have all that you need in small amounts.


·      Combats sickness

Many health supplements are based on garlic since it is considered to be herbal. Some of these garlic supplements act as immunity boosters that help fight sickness.

Since it helps strengthen your immune system, it is also best to eat dishes with garlic whenever you have common colds or flu to avoid getting it severe.

In the long run, having garlic in your daily meal could make you live longer, provided that it is a healthy meal.


·      Reduces blood pressure

Strokes and several cardiovascular diseases are the world’s common killers. High blood pressure or hypertension is mainly the lead to these diseases.

If you happen to have these illnesses, try having a large garlic dose as it will improve your blood to be healthier.

It is perfect for our elderly, people who are prone to stress, and those that are fully exposed to free radicals.


·      Improves cholesterol levels

If you are a big eater and loves to eat pork and foods with high cholesterol levels, a high garlic dose is for you.

Garlic has the power to lower your cholesterol levels. For those with high cholesterol, some garlic supplements are advised to be used.

Some say garlic supplements are better than the regular medicines that we take.


·      Antioxidants

When we age, we are open to free radicals that weaken our bodies. But fear no more as garlic contains antioxidants that will help you fight the effects of free radicals.

High doses of garlic are shown in some studies to increase antioxidants in the human body, reducing stress to those who experience high blood pressure.

Eating a high dosage of garlic could also lessen the possibility of having brain diseases like Alzheimer's and Dementia.


·      Improves athletic performance

When it comes to boosting your performance, instead of taking drugs or other performance-enhancing medication, why not try eating garlic?

It has been used to reduce fatigue and enhances the endurance of labourers since ancient times. It also has been used by Olympic athletes in ancient Greece.

With all of its stress-reducing and physical enhancing abilities, there are still some studies to conduct whether it is as significant to people who are already healthy.



Now that you know how to make olive garlic oil, I assure you that you will acquire lots of benefits. You can never go wrong in choosing both of these ingredients.

And if you want to have the best organic olive oil out there, opt for products from Torre & Olive.

Just from its medical to culinary uses, garlic and olive could never go wrong together.